16 Ultimate Self Care Menu Ideas For A Happier You

16 Ultimate Self Care Menu Ideas For A Happier You

“YOU…are magnificent beyond measure, perfect in your imperfections, and wonderfully made.” Yes, you! It’s not just me saying this about self-care ideas, Abiola Abrams said it first. (1) I only quoted one of the most successful American authors to express how insecure this human race has become. Not to be offensive, but didn’t you smirk…

15 Ways to Incorporate Mindful Activities into Your Everyday Life

15 Ways to Incorporate Mindful Activities into Your Everyday Life

By now, you most likely know or have heard of mindfulness or mindful activities. If not, don’t worry! Being mindful does not mean “minding your own business” (though that wouldn’t be so bad either!). It is the art of being thoroughly aware of your surroundings, without any judgment, being physically and spiritually aware of your…