21 Simple Things To Do To Make Every Day Count

21 Simple Things To Do To Make Every Day Count

It’s easy to get lost in everyday chaos, most of which we build around ourselves because of a lack of our conscious control over life. It’s important to remember that life is short and living it to the full potential means to make every day count. Image Source: SproutBrite Simplicity To Make Every Day Non-Mundane…

How To Own Who You Are – 6 Important Steps

How To Own Who You Are – 6 Important Steps

Aristotle once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”. But what does it truly mean to understand oneself beyond superficial preferences of favorite color or food?  To be yourself and own who you are means to accept yourself for who you are, flaws and all, and live on your terms. Image Source: Unsplash…

12 Surprising Things That Are Holding You Back In Life
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12 Surprising Things That Are Holding You Back In Life

You feel motivated to make a change in life, but there is something holding you back and you don’t know what it is. Actually, you do know, and you are just not acknowledging it the way you should. I will help you pinpoint the things that are holding you back in life and the realization…